
Regal StayGreen seeded kikuyu


Seeded kikuyu is a great option for turf establishment through the warmer months from November to February. It is established from seed unlike instant turf SOD which is established vegetatively. Regal StayGreen® is the most suited seeded kikuyu variety  for lawns, school ovals and turf surfaces. It can be established from bare earth to full coverage in under 10 weeks, providing adequate soil moisture is present.

Regal StayGreen® is a turf type kikuyu that has a darker green colour and finer leaf texture than vegetative kikuyu. Regal StayGreen® is more cold tolerant than other warm season grasses and retains its green colour better. It also withstands heat and drought well and is not susceptible to many of the common turf pests or diseases. It has good tolerance of wear and quickly recovers from injury. Its fine dense habit means it provides  tight, dense turf for sportsfields.


Regal StayGreen® is adapted to areas that are frost free or experience occasional frosts. Regal StayGreen® is a subtropical (warm season) grass that grows best over summer when temperatures are in the range of 16 – 21°C. Regal StayGreen® has better winter colour retention than most tropical grasses and does not readily discolour with a single frost.  The minimum temperature for growth is about 8°C, well below that of most tropical grasses, such as couch grass Cynodon dactylon. 

Regal StayGreen® does best with regular rainfall throughout the year but has excellent tolerance for sustained periods of drought, even on sandy soils. It tolerates moderate soil salinity and salt spray. It has good tolerance to waterlogging.

Regal StayGreen® can be established on a wide range of soils. While it does best on well structured soils of high fertility, it can thrive on silty soils and sandy soils with moderate fertility. It can establish on very acidic soils (to pH 4.5) and soils with low phosphorous and potassium. Regal StayGreen® responds to phosphorous and nitrogen at establishment.

School oval repair

Regal StayGreen® is ideal for summer reseeding worn and damaged kikuyu school ovals from november onwards. Typically, these kikuyu ovals have suffered heavy playing wear during the winter months when they are dormant and unable to self repair.