Tips on listing property | Reseed your lawns

new lawn

Listing property | Beautiful lawns add 000’s to property prices

Listing property? Most real estate agents agree that pristine, vibrant, new grass lawn areas substantially lift a property’s appeal, potentially adding tens  of thousands of dollars to the bid price.

From late winter, new grass takes around 7-10 days to germinate. Within 14 days the green tinge is substantial. At around 21 days, grass is at the two leaf stage. At around 30 days the new lawn will due for its first nip cut promoting tillering. This is where the lawn fills in and increased in density. At six weeks, the lawn should be a well established and a beautifully dark vibrant green lawn.

Establishing new lawns from late winter into spring is ideal.

Establishing lawn through spring is ideal as increasing soil temperatures and lengthening days accelerate turfgrass plant growth rates. Our reseeding technique, specialised machinery and choice of turfseed ensures that resident annual weeds are substantially impeded and struggle to compete with the speed of establishment of new turf grass. The end result is a beautiful new grass lawn with significant amenity and visual appeal. Give yourself 5 to 8 weeks for your lawn to fully establish.

Listing property? Booking your lawn reseeding at the same time.

Book your lawn reseeding at the same time as listing property with the real estate agent.