Reseeding cost

Reseeding cost

At present there is no charge for our lawn consultation, during which we will provide you with a customized lawn renewal strategy and point out the challenges of Sand belt soil-types. We also provide a quote for remediating the soil and lawn renewal. Obviously reseeding cost (lawn renewal) fees will range depending on the size and scope of your lawn renewal project. It worth pointing out the majority of the labour, machinery wear and materials goes into remediating the soil and preparing the site for reseeding. We aim for you to enjoy and retain your lawn long term. Please read All About Sand Belt Soils

Our reseeding cost (fee) typically includes:

1. An on-site lawn consultation and personalized lawn renewal strategy

2. Selective weed control (24 hrs) prior to reseeding

3. Removing the existing grass/weed canopy

4. Full treatment for non-wetting (hydrophobic) soils

5. Soil incorporation of complete slow release organic fertilizer & conditioner (up to 60 kg/100m2)

6. Incorporation of beneficial soil microbes (Bactivate)

7. Reseeding using our specialised slit seeder

8. Manual seeding of perimeter edges and paths

9. Rolling

10. The latest elite certified turf grass varieties

11. Site clean up

12. Follow up inspection and advisory post establishment

13. No worries establishment warranty.

14. Establishing and growing your new lawn advisory

15. Alerts – i.e. African Black Beetle / Cockchafer.

We are pleased to provide you with a quote on-site and our consultation is free and no obligation.

Seed quality and integrity

Seed varieties used are industry certified with minimum purity (99%) and germination (85%), free of weed seed. They represent the latest breeding advances in turfgrass technology, including stoloniforous turf-type perennial ryegrass and rhizomotous fescues, depending on your individual turf renovation. We do not use uncertified or cheaper agricultural grade seed varieties.


Lawns can be reseeded with cool season grasses between early March and mid November depending on seasonal weather and other factors.  The nominal optimum time to reseed lawn is from early March onwards when soil temperatures are still warm, annual weeds have yet to germinate and warm season turf grasses begins to get sleepy. However, during our 2014 lawn and turf reseeding trials in Melbourne’s sandbelt, we have achieved fantastic germination and establishment from June, july, august and up to late spring reseeding.

How long does it take:

Most lawn reseeding projects take between 3 and 5 hours. This does not include the initial on-site consultation or spraying the old lawn out (if required) which must be done at least 24 hrs before reseeding.

No worries establishment guarantee

We now offer a new 60-day unconditional No Worries warranty. This means if lawn establishment is sub optimal for any reason whatsoever, including pet damage, flood deluge, foot traffic, mower damage or a reseeding malfunction; we will remediate the area concerned at no charge to you throughout the warranty period. We inspect all our lawns frequently during establishment. If something is not quite right, we fix it. Sometime we act preemptively, like applying a fungicide if we suspect a damaging pathogen.